Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Replace Human Teachers?

English Phobia
3 min readOct 27, 2023


In recent years, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought revolution in every field. AI plays an important role in the education sector. Since AI begins to play an important role in the learning process. It leaves the question can AI replace human teachers?

In this article, we are going to show you the pros and cons of AI in education. We will also examine its capabilities and limitations along with a comparison with human teachers.

The rise of AI in education

AI has a lot of achievements in machine learning and natural language processing. This recent technology helps make our work easier, faster, and more reliable in almost every sector. The education field is no longer far from its reach.

The AI power systems enable us to analyze large amounts of data and adapt to individual learning styles. It also provides a personalized learning experience as per one’s choices.

Advantages of AI in Education

Personalized learning: AI possesses the ability to create precise learning experiences for students. A large number of people use AI to learn English nowadays. Firstly, it analyses their strengths, learning pace, and weaknesses. On the basis of results, the AI system delivers content that matches each student’s requirements.

Accessibility and inclusivity: AI can uproot language barriers and help students with special needs. It can provide them with real-time translations and text-to-speech options. AI can make learning even more interesting and engaging for students. They can learn while playing games and quizzes.

24/7 availability: unlike human teachers, AI-powered educational tools are accessible at any time. Students can learn any language in their own comfort zone at their specific time. This is how AI promotes consistent learning for students.

Instant feedback and assessment: Human resources are time-consuming in both feedback and examination. While AI-generated assessments can provide instant feedback and results. They also provide you with specific parts of learning as per your areas of improvement.

Engaging content delivery: AI has the ability to use multimedia elements and visual reality experience in lessons. It reminds you of your leftover syllabus with notifications. You can never feel bored while learning while engaging in playful, but useful games.

Limitations of AI in Education

Lack of emotional intelligence: one of the most important limitations of the inability to show emotional connection. Human teachers have a stronger bond with the students. It helps them to find the areas of improvement in students differently. They use different approaches to teach them. Technology can never replace the role of a teacher in a student’s life.

Limited contextual understanding:-Although AI can process large amounts of data yet it may struggle to understand the nuanced context of certain topics. This mostly happens in subjects that require creativity and critical thinking.

Ethical considerations: AI increases ethical concerns. It is mostly for data privacy and security purposes. There should be some strict measures in place to protect the personal information of students. It will not violet any information.

Technology Barriers: This is the era of technology. However, not all the students have access to necessary technological devices and internet connectivity. These are the most important factors required for AI-based learning. It worsens educational equality.

The future; A hybrid approach

The future of education seems to be a hybrid model. In this model, AI complements the efforts of human teachers. AI can easily handle personalized learning plans and provide additional support. It also allows educators to focus on mentorship. They will focus on increasing creativity and emotional well-being with students.


Although AI possesses large potential to improve the educational experience yet it can’t replace the role of a human teacher completely. The best approach is a hybrid model where AI and human teachers work hand in hand. For example, students can use ChatGPT for learning English with their teacher’s help. They both will create a more effective personalized and inclusive learning environment for all the students. With the benefits of both strengths, students will easily pave the way for a brighter future in educational fields.

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